Can a careless driving ticket lead to a suspended license?

Careless driving is a common traffic offense in New Jersey, and many drivers wonder whether receiving a careless driving ticket could result in a suspended license. While a single careless driving ticket does not automatically lead to a suspension, accumulating multiple violations or aggravating circumstances could put your driving privileges at New Jersey Careless Driving Ticket

Understanding Careless Driving in New Jersey

Careless driving is defined under N.J.S.A. 39:4-97 as driving a vehicle "without due caution and circumspection in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger a person or property." This broad definition means that many behaviors, such as distracted driving, excessive speed in poor weather, or failing to yield, could result in a careless driving citation.

The penalties for a careless driving ticket include:

Two (2) motor vehicle points on your driving record

A fine of $85 ($140 if in a construction or safe corridor zone)

Possible insurance rate increases

How Can a Careless Driving Ticket Lead to a Suspended License?

While a single careless driving ticket does not automatically trigger a suspension, there are several ways it can contribute to losing your license:

Accumulation of Points

New Jersey operates under a point system, where accumulating 12 or more points on your record leads to an automatic license suspension.

A careless driving ticket adds 2 points, and if you have prior offenses, this could push you over the limit.

Multiple Careless Driving Offenses

If you receive multiple careless driving tickets within a short period, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) may view you as a habitual offender and suspend your license.

Combination with Other Violations

Careless driving is often issued alongside other serious traffic violations such as speeding, reckless driving, DUI, or running a red light.

If these violations collectively result in excessive points, you may face suspension.

Judge’s Discretion

In severe cases, a judge has the authority to impose a license suspension if the careless driving resulted in injuries, property damage, or was particularly dangerous.

If the violation involved an accident, the judge might consider additional penalties beyond fines and points.

How to Avoid License Suspension After a Careless Driving Ticket

If you are at risk of accumulating too many points, there are steps you can take to mitigate the impact:

Fight the ticket in court to have it dismissed or downgraded to a no-point violation (e.g., obstructing traffic).

Take a defensive driving course, which removes 2 points from your record.

Drive violation-free for one year, which reduces 3 points from your record.

A single careless driving ticket in New Jersey won’t automatically suspend your license, but repeated offenses or additional violations can lead to suspension. To protect your driving privileges, it’s essential to monitor your points, drive safely, and consider legal options if you receive a ticket.

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